Founder’s Note

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Hello, this is MacDonald Don Nyirongo, Founder/CEO of Warm- Hearted Connections Inc. Our board members and volunteers run our nonprofit organization in partnership with our sister charity Muula Community Initiative in Malawi. Our aim is to make a difference by establishing and supporting projects that provide educational supplies to rural poor schools in Sub Saharan Africa.

Malawi, Burundi and Zambia are amongst the poorest countries in the world with high levels of illiteracy rate, and not to mention disease and starvation which slow down quality of education. On a positive note, although the number of children and adolescents who were out of school has fallen by almost half since 2000, there is still a lot of work to be done because there are 58 million children still out of school globally, and around 100 million children do not complete primary education. The world’s poorest children are four times more likely not to go to school than the world’s richest children, and five times more likely not to complete primary school (The 2015 EFA Global Monitoring Report UNESCO).

Although so much has been achieved since 2000, we need to partner with other stakeholders to make sure that quality education for all is a dream come true even for the poorest countries. By joining the bandwagon of those who already started work of advancing the standards of education, we can make a difference in the lives of people to have have a right to education, sustainable development, dignity, and social inclusion.

The ills of Sub Saharan Africa such as illiteracy, poverty, hunger, and disease are interdependent neighbors which nourish each other in a vicious cycle. A visit to Sub Saharan Africa and neighboring countries other than to busk on the beautiful golden beaches or tour the wildlife resorts, separate from the main population would quickly show the pathetic situation of some schools and hospitals.

We aim to support nations’ blueprint to achieve high quality standards of education. We realize that illiteracy, disease, hunger know not any boundaries hence we intend to cross borders and make a difference in the lives of many individuals. While our focus is elementary schools, we see the need to integrate health programs and education, and so we will also strive to provide educational and vocational opportunities for adults especially women who do not have a voice in community. We strongly believe that quality education improves the quality of life, and the economy of the nation as viable and sustainable socio-economic activities are implemented through support, training and skills for self-reliance and autonomy.

In view of this explanation and being filled with hope, we appeal for donors and volunteers to join us in improving the standards of education in Sub Saharan Africa. Your volunteer time, and resources will make a difference in the lives of those who need help most.

Thank you!

MacDonald Don Nyirongo.