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Work to uplift the standards of education is hard and can’t be achieved without help from our donors and volunteers. We urge you as one of our most generous friends to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate students and orphans by donating to Warm Hearted Connections Inc. Your compassionate support will go a long way to develop dilapidated school buildings, feed students and provide educational resources that they need to succeed.
$800 can cover monthly running costs including rental, utilities and groceries for Hannah Children’s Home.
$35.00 will provide for a school supply kit and hope for one student for one full year.
$19.50 will provide for food and hope for one student per year will help as much as possible!
Make your donations to Warm Hearted Connections Inc.
19310 Detroit Avenue
South Bend IN 46614
EIN NO:47-1015933
Needs for orphaned and poor students are immense. Please consider responding to this request with your generous gift, and let the hopeless children know that you care. You may safely give through our website at Warmheartedconnexions,org/Giving Form